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- ║ Copyright 1987 ║
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- ║ 11/12/87 ║
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- Listfont is a utility program for users of HP Laserjet
- soft fonts. The program provides a simplified, automated
- method to understand and catalog your font collection.
- The program is invoked by the call:
- LISTFONT [filename.ext]
- The filename is optional, if omitted all files in the
- current default subdirectory are searched and all soft-
- font files are acted upon. Standard DOS wildcards
- also work e.g. *.SFP or HV*.??P .
- The program reads each matching file for a font header.
- The font header automatically identifies the file
- as a font. The font header information is displayed on the
- printer. The font is then downloaded to the printer (as
- temporary font 80) and a sample is printed. Each possible
- character in the font is displayed in a 256 cell grid
- (the grids use temporary macros 80 and 81).
- This information is printed 1 font per page to allow you to
- keep a book of all your fonts. Both portrait and landscape fonts
- are supported. The grid works well for any font up to about
- 35 point. Larger fonts will be displayed, but characters will
- overflow the cell boundries.
- Some interesting observations:
- - Font headers for the Laserjet II are reccommended to be 40
- bytes in length. Many public domain fonts have 26 byte font
- headers.
- - Many fonts do not follow H P's reccomended type face identifiers.
- - Many soft font makers have never seen the HP Laserjet II technical
- reference manual.
- - At least 2 public domain fonts had the set ID number sequence
- imbedded in the font file. While this will work, the font would
- always be forced to ID #1. Programs which read font files (like
- Listfont) were not able to recognize these fonts.
- This program is donated to the PUBLIC DOMAIN, for NON-COMMERCIAL use,
- and may be freely copied for NON-COMMERCIAL use without any restrictions.
- COMMERCIAL use without prior written consent of the author is PROHIBITED.
- Comments, and/or suggestions may be forwarded to:
- Daniel J. Hickey
- 7481 Dallas Drive
- La Palma, CA 90623
- or a message on
- Cooperworks BBS
- DTP Conference
- (608) 271-3684